Our Services
Frasca, an independent municipal advisory firm, is dedicated to helping clients establish financial practices, enabling them to provide services to their constituents and customers in an efficient, cost-effective manner.
Transportation - We assist our transportation clients in the financing, development and management of critical transportation infrastructure, including airports, ports, bridges, toll roads and mass transit. The firm is very knowledgeable in the structure and evaluation of complex credits involving project financings, general revenue financings, airline special facilities and federal programs. Read more

General Municipal - We work in partnership with states, local governments and their authorities on solutions for financing large capital programs and refinancing outstanding debt in ways which meet fiscal, budgetary, credit and investor distribution objectives. Read more

P3 - We assist our clients in evaluating the suitability of Public-Private Partnerships (P3) for assets as wide ranging as hotels, real estate, security facilities, airport terminals, parking and cargo facilities. Once P3 is identified as the best delivery method, we conduct asset valuations, identify revenue maximization opportunities, prepare RFPs, review documentation and evaluate financing options. Read more

Strategic Planning - We assist our clients with the creation and evaluation of business plans, development of mission statements and goals, evaluation of governance alternatives, and performance benchmarking. We also provide lease strategies and negotiations support, capital budgeting and planning services, among others. Read more